
I'm scared of my house...

Dearest Mother,

I apologise for the dismally short and, I imagine, quite confusing letter that I assume you recieved a week ago. I suppose you must be wishing for further explanation in this latest update. I must admit, I am a little hesitant to elaborate. I shall, however, try my best.

You see, upon arrival to this land I was quite charmed. It is a most peculiar place after all! All the grass here is lime green, the sun is bright blue - there is a huge grin upon it's face for the whole day! - and the clouds have purple faces, they're always making the most amusing expressions.Yes, the land here is quite lovely and I'd be quite happy living here if only it weren't for my house. Oh, and you must know why. Here let me picture it for you.

First, the roof is made of bright angry red tiles, and the walls are built from an almost pallid looking white brick. The windows, although all the lights may be turned off on the inside, are always glowing a sickly yellow when viewed from outside. This isn't even the most disturbing of the features of my house! Oh, mother, the door. There is no doorknob, it simply sweeps open when it is approached with the intention of leaving. At the top of it there is a set of huge, ugly black teeth. Yes mother, teeth. My house has fangs!

And still, this isn't the most terrifying part. for you see mother, when I am sitting quietly by the fire-place with a good book or a piece of sewing, or when I am tucked into bed ready to sleep, I am absolutely certain that I can hear the voice of my house. Whispering and muttering things, and laughing at me! I don't know how I have managed to sleep at all since I moved here, as it is quite distressing.

I know what you're thinking now, you're thinking that I'm just letting my imagination get away from me and that I'm telling stories, but let me assure you Mother. This is most definitely not the case.

Oh well, believe what you will, but I'm afraid that this is all for now.

Lots of love, sincerely,
Quivering Elaine.

I'm scared of my house...

To my dearest Mother,

I'm settling in quite nicely to my new home, is what I'd like to be able to say. However, this is not the case. Because, you see. Quite frankly, I'm scared of my house.

This is all I have time to write as of the moment, as there is a Flying Blue Pitterwick caught in the chimney that needs my immediate attention.

Fearful Elaine

Odd feelings.

Has anyone noticed things that they do or feel when they're doing ordinary things?
Ordinary things such as, having a shower or taking your dog for a walk.

I, for one, get this unbelievable feeling of power every time I walk across a pedestrian crossing and the cars have to stop for me. Like "Hah! You may be able to crush me with that giant hunk of metal but you have to stop for me, no matter what while I'm walking here!".

It seems silly when you look back at it, this I know, yet it happens every time. I can't help but wonder, does anyone else feel this way when they cross the road?

What are some odd things that You feel when you're doing ordinary everyday stuff?



Kameyonaisean Turtle Cult: Legend of the Beginning

The Kameyonaisean Cult of the Turtle, Report.
Elissa Storm – Cult revival squad.

…And so I came across a strange temple today, it was located in a rather strange spot. I was most intrigued, as this temple is by far one of the best links to the Kameyonaisean Cult, which existed several years before the Spanish came to America. With in this temple I found scriptures on the walls, which I have included and translated as best I can from Turtillean below:


Top Ten: Vocaloid Gakupo

Gakupo is probably my favourite Vocaloid. So it's only natural that he's one of the first that I do. Ofcourse, he's probably one of the most difficult, too, since I love most of his stuff...

Oh well, let's see if I can't pick a few favourites...

Top Ten: Vocaloid Rin & Len

Introducing a new section of my blog... 'Top Ten'  in which I will share my top ten favourite of a particular thing every week (or so)

To get me started, this week it will be songs by vocaloids Rin & Len Kagamine (with video linkage!)
So here goes:

I'm back!

Not that I was really gone in the first place... I was just working through some personal issues and didn't really have the motivation to post anything here (gosh, that makes it sound so much more serious than it is... ;p;) ... anyway... yes, I am back for now.

with a LINK to my Tumblr. Where I post the song of the day along with other audio/video that I feel like putting up there.

And absolutely nothing else. 

Home again...

So, I got back from Supanova late last night. I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired that I didn't even bother looking at my laptop to do anything. So! Time for a rant!

Supanova was absolutely bloody amazing and, as a result of going I am now:


Crazy! Who me?

The gavel has fallen, the room is dark.
The light is blown, by a runaway spark.

The crazy has caught you, the voices say die.
The end is coming, it's just a matter of time.

That there was inspired by a conversation I was having with my boyfriend before I went to sleep, and by the Ace Attourney games - which, by the way, are wonderful - I think it sums up my brand of crazy quite nicely... 

I. Am. So so so so so so so SO excited for tomorrow... just have to make it through three hours of school and then I'm off to Sydney for Supanova!!!!!!!! *excited flailage*
Expect a highly hyper rant about how awesome it was when I return!!



So here's a question for you:
If you have a secret, that has been kept a secret for a while and has actually caused you to lie on several occasions, and you don't want it to be a secret anymore. How do you tell that secret to the people who you had previously lied to?

And then, after that, how do you gather up the guts to look them in the eyes and ask for their help? How are you supposed to explain it when they ask you why when you're not even sure why you kept it secret yourself?
If I'm being honest here -In this sort of situation, I have absolutely no clue what to do. 



Midnight Memories

Heya! Just a quick update here to say that all poetry I write will now be posted here at my friend Arcalines blog Midnight Memories. He writes too, and is alot more diligent with getting things posted. So you should check out his blog!



A pointless Point of View...

And I haven't even been listening to Emilie Autumn lately.
Oh well, that's beside the point. The point is, well, I suppose I need to actually write something substantial before I decide what the point is. That's the way it usually works, yes?


Introducing: Poetry

So, I write poetry. Quite alot of it. Some ofit gets shown to friends, some of it gets posted up on the interwebs, and some just gets tucked away somewhere where it will stay until I'm brave enough to do one of the above with it. Anyways, this here is one of my latest attempts.
I was trying to write something happy, but I don't think it really worked... oh well. Here it is:

Sunshine and Rainbows

You are the sunshine, and I am a rainbow.
You are a thing that is blinding.
I am a frown disguised with colour


Neeeeeed Sleeeeeep

I. Am. So. Tired.
I can barely stay awake, let alone actually do anything worthwhile. I'm probably going to end up with a crap-load of horrible spelling and grammar errors. Which I will fix when I am more awake.  (Edit: I am now going through and fixing them)



So Kitty and I - as per our usual routine - were talking while waiting for our bus yesterday afternoon and, being the huge fangirls we are, the topic turned to Russia - this won't make much sense to you unless you know what Hetalia is, shame on you if you don't - and his personality traits. After that we somehow started talking about whether or not he would make a good boyfriend or not - we decided yes, if a little possessive and selfish - and then we moved onto other countries. So, here is a list of what our entirely awesome, weird, and over fangirlish conversation resulted in, as far as countries based on their Hetalia personalities, for our choice of boyfriends:



OK...that was random...even for me, that was kinda random, if I'm the one saying it was so, then it must be...or something.
ANYWAY! I am invading this blog. even though I have permission, obviously, so it's not invading then, is it...

Creativity - Come baaaack~!

So lately I've been in a bit of a creative slump. I can't write. At all. Ok, so maybe I can write a little, but I can't seem to get more than two lines into something before I get completely stuck. I'm even having trouble writing this, and all it's made up of is me ranting about things that have nothing to do with anyone else...


I wonder..

It vexes me, when people say things like "What would you know about it?" to a child. They should know better,  because yes, they are older and yes, they know more... but shouldn't that also mean that they know what it's like to be a child? Shouldn't they know that as a child you generally know much more than people give you credit for?