
Kameyonaisean Turtle Cult: Legend of the Beginning

The Kameyonaisean Cult of the Turtle, Report.
Elissa Storm – Cult revival squad.

…And so I came across a strange temple today, it was located in a rather strange spot. I was most intrigued, as this temple is by far one of the best links to the Kameyonaisean Cult, which existed several years before the Spanish came to America. With in this temple I found scriptures on the walls, which I have included and translated as best I can from Turtillean below:
Rgw Kwfwbs id rgw vwfubbubf (The Legend of the beginning)

Ub rgw vwfubbubf rgwew qaa a nirgwe ryerkw, qgi vyeuws gwe wffa ub rgw aabs. Runw oaaaws, abs ki! Rgw wffa vwfab ri garxg. Niar id rgwaw bwq vieb ryerkwa eab areaufgr ubri ixwab. Rgwew qaa ibw ryerkw giqwcwe, qgi qaa suddwewbr.

In the beginning there was a mother turtle, who buried her eggs in the sand. And time passed, and lo! The eggs began to hatch. Most of these new born turtles ran straight into the ocean. There was one turtle however, who was different.

Rgua ryerkw, qgi qaa banws Kameyonaise, aaq rgw ayb avicw gun, abs rgw aabs qguxg gua wff ewarws yoib, abs rgw ixwab qguxg gua veirgwea abs auarwea gas ai fkwwdykkt eyb ri abs gwaes id rgw qieks. Rgua ryerkw, aqaew id rgw vwayrt id rgw qieks aeiybs gun, dwkr ab ybvwkuwcavkw xakkubf qurgub gun abs vwfab ri sabxw. Abs ki! Aa rgua ryrkw sabxws ri rgw nyaux id rgw waerg, a nab gaoowbws yoib gun.

This turtle, who was named Kameyonaise, saw the sun above him, and the sand which his egg rested upon, and the ocean which his brothers and sisters had so gleefully run to and heard the music of the world. This turtle, aware of the beauty of the world around him, felt an unbelievable calling within him and began to dance. And lo! As this turtle danced to the music of the earth, a man happened upon him.

Rgua nab, aryxj vt a sucubw awbaw id kicw die rgua ryerkw dwkk ri gua jbwwa abs vwfab ri viq. Rgw ryerkw birws rgua nab qurg xyeuiya wtwa abs bissws. Qurg rgar bis rgw nab rgwb dwkr rgar gw agiyks rajw a kiij ar rgw waerg aeiybs gun, abs gw aaq rgw ayb avicw gun, abs rgw aabs ib qguxg gw jbwkr, abs rgw ixwab qguxg gua owiokw swowbsws yoib die ayecucak abs gwaes rgw nyaux id rgw qieks. Rgua nab, biq dukkws qurg jbiqkwsfw id gua sucubw oyeoiaw, ariis abs hiubws rgw ryerkw ub gun sabxw.

This man, struck by a divine sense of love for this turtle fell to his knees and began to bow. The turtle noted this man with curious eyes and nodded. With that nod the man then felt that he should take a look at the earth around him, and he saw the sun above him, and the sand on which he knelt, and the ocean which his people depended upon for survival and heard the music of the world. This man, now filled with knowledge of his divine purpose, stood and joined the turtle in his dance.

Rgw ryerkw abs rgw nab sabxws die ibw rgiyaabs bufgra abs ib rgw saqbubf id rgw ibw rgiyaabs abs duear sat rgwt vwfab ri fkiq qurg a agunnweubf fikswb kufgr. Rgw fkiq fewq veufgrwe abs veufgrwe, ybruk ar kaar bwurgwe rgw nab ie rgw ryerkw xiyks vw awwb rgeiyfg rgw kufgr. Rgw kufgr ewnaubws abs aa rgw ayb aabj vwkiq rgw gieuzib rgw kufgr dasws. Ewcwakubf rgar rgw nab abs rge ruerkw gas cabuagws, kwacubf vwgubs birgubf vyr rgw agwkk id rgw aaxews ryerkw, abs rgw gar id rgw nab.

The turtle and the man danced for 1000 nights and the dawning of the 1001st day they began to glow with a shimmering golden light. The glow grew brighter and brighter, until at last neither the man, nor turtle could be seen through the light. The light remained until the sun hit the horizon over the sea, and, as the sun sank below the horizon the light faded. Revealing that the man and turtle had vanished, leaving nothing but the shell of the sacred turtle, and the hat of the man.

Rgw cukkafwea gas vwwb qarxgubf rgw ryerkw abs rgw nab die akk rgw twaea rgwt gas sabxws. Yoib awwubf rgua nueaxkw kufgr, abs rgw suaaoowaeabxw id rgw nab abs rgw ryerkw rgwt dwkk ri rgwue jbwwa ub qieaguo. Rgwaw cukkafwea swxkaews rgw ryerkw aa rgwue fid abs rgw nab aa gus suaxiokw. Abs rgya qaa vieb rgw xykr id rgw aaxews ryerkw, Kameyonaise.

The villagers had been watching the turtle and the man for all the years that they had danced. Upon seeing this miracle light, and the disappearance of the man and the turtle they fell to their knees in worship. These villagers declared the turtle as their god and the man as his disciple. And thus was born the cult of the sacred turtle, Kameyonaise.


Thoughts? Opinions? A monkey who also has ranting tendencies?