
I wonder..

It vexes me, when people say things like "What would you know about it?" to a child. They should know better,  because yes, they are older and yes, they know more... but shouldn't that also mean that they know what it's like to be a child? Shouldn't they know that as a child you generally know much more than people give you credit for?

I wonder at what stage in life people forget what it's like to be a child, honestly, when?  Will I turn out like that too? Will I forget these feelings now, and lose the understanding I have of the situation?
Will I turn into one of those adults I'm talking about now? I shudder at the thought. I sincerely hope not.
I never ever want to forget what it's like to be my age and have these feelings of being both underestimated and overestimated at the same time...

Oh well, there isn't really much I can do about it except to try my very hardest not to forget.

Elissa Storm~

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