

OK...that was random...even for me, that was kinda random, if I'm the one saying it was so, then it must be...or something.
ANYWAY! I am invading this blog. even though I have permission, obviously, so it's not invading then, is it...

I hate speeches...
Seriously...they are so pointless...what purpose do they serve anyway? To terrify innocent school children? Ignoring the innocent bit, that seems to be...about all they're for. The research and stuff could be done just as well in an essay, it's essentially because they don't have enough time to teach us everything we should know so they get students to do it in ten minutes each...I'd rather stay at school for the entire term than do speeches. And I wonder why we don't, really, the term is there for learning and going to school, it seems we get a lot of time off. Not that I'm complaining about that. But still. So, if we had the extra time, because it also takes weeks to get through all the speeches, we could be taught a whole lot opposed to being traumatised by being forced to give speeches. And that first speech in English in Yr11, having to give it in front of about three classes, in a horrible room, that's really traumatising. I couldn't do it. But then I'm a coward. ^_^
Sufficiently ranty?


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