
Rambles and thoughts and rambling thoughts.

So I've decided that I am going to attempt to write down five minutes of just straight thought into a blog post and hit publish without editing. At all. I am going to do this every day for as long as I can be bothered. Here goes...

For someone who hates pink I sure have alot of it in my room, lots of my dvd cases are pink. Why is everything "for girls" in pink? It's so annoying. Oh, that mouse is running around again. It's so adorable... Must... Resist... Urge... To stare... And capture... Ooh, Amy is home. She'll likely invade sometime soonish, that'll interrupt my five minutes. Drat. Oh well, I'll just post whatever I get down. Wow, I have so many empty ginger beer bottles lying around. I should really do something about that... I think I'll take my trash out tomorrow. How long have I been typing? Oh, only a minute. So many words in such a small amount of time, of course, they probably won't seem nearly enough once I hit post and read over all of this. Amy is talking to Clancy, poor thing, his foot is all bandaged up. Heh, and now that chicken is inside. That's an adorable chicken. IT had better not come into my room, the mouse would be in danger. Poor mouse... I wonder where he vanished to. Hmmm, msn is flashing... I'll check that in a minute when I run out of time. My mind blanked for a moment there... How strange. I think maybe I should sleep early tonight. Even though I've got the day off tomorrow... I didn't really get all that much sleep. Need to play catch up now. What time is it now, come to think of it.. Oh, my time is up. Drat. No wait... that doesn't count, I've got another minute of thought to go. Um... Blarglesnarfle.


1 comment:

Thoughts? Opinions? A monkey who also has ranting tendencies?