

I need to rant. You ready? Quite a few questions are going to be asked here.

Jumping right in.

Rant in, 3, 2, 1… GO~!

Why do people always, ALWAYS, put the blame for things on other people? Why does everything have to be someone else’s fault? Or anybody’s fault at all.
Is it so hard to look at something and go “Yeah, it was my fault.” or “Okay, it’s broken. Oh well.” And move on without drama?
And what about all those resolutions people make? “I’m giving up alchohol” “I’m quitting smoking” “I’m going to get fit” “I’ll stop being such a jerk” “I’ll try” … They give them up so easily. All it takes is one or two things going wrong and they throw it in a metaphorical hat to the ground. 
It’s not all like that though, some people take the blaming others in the opposite way.. “It’s all my fault.” and “It broke, I didn’t touch it, but it’s my fault anyway” “If I hadn’t done that one thing…” And get themselves so down over the tiniest things.
And resolutions that go from “I’m going to make my life better” to “I’m going to lock myself up and hide from everything.” 
And the complainers, with their “My life sucks” and “I don’t know what to do.” Who go to you asking for advice, which you willingly give. Only to have them come back the next day with the same problem, not having done One. Single. Bloody. Thing.
Those people, they don’t understand. I’m not a counsellor, I’m not a psychologist, psychiatrist or even a doctor. I’m just a friend. I’m there to listen. But there’s only so much I can do. I have my own problems too, and I don’t have all the answers.
People piss me off. Not all people mind you, some people get it right. Some people, it just takes time. Some people you can get through to. But some people… They just don’t get it.