
Top Ten: Vocaloid Gakupo

Gakupo is probably my favourite Vocaloid. So it's only natural that he's one of the first that I do. Ofcourse, he's probably one of the most difficult, too, since I love most of his stuff...

Oh well, let's see if I can't pick a few favourites...

Top Ten: Vocaloid Rin & Len

Introducing a new section of my blog... 'Top Ten'  in which I will share my top ten favourite of a particular thing every week (or so)

To get me started, this week it will be songs by vocaloids Rin & Len Kagamine (with video linkage!)
So here goes:

I'm back!

Not that I was really gone in the first place... I was just working through some personal issues and didn't really have the motivation to post anything here (gosh, that makes it sound so much more serious than it is... ;p;) ... anyway... yes, I am back for now.

with a LINK to my Tumblr. Where I post the song of the day along with other audio/video that I feel like putting up there.

And absolutely nothing else.